Middleton Harriers And Athletics Club Constitution As Of January 2015.
1. Title.
The Club shall be called Middleton Harriers and Athletics Club and here after referred to as the Club. The Club headquarters will be at the Middleton
Arena, Middleton.
2. Objectives.
The objectives of the Club shall be to encourage amateur athletics in general
and to further the aims and development in particular of the following sections
of athletic activity Namely (a) Road Running (b) Cross Country (c) Fell Running
(d) Track and Field (e) Road Walking.
3. Club Kit.
The official Club Kit shall consist of a green vest with black and white
diagonal stripe with the words Middleton Harriers on the right hand side.
Members whenever competing in the name of the Club shall wear the official Club
Kit. If competing for an approved charity members may with the approval of the
Committee wear the official charity vest. The wearing of headphones whilst
training with the Club or competing in championship races will not be allowed.
To count in the Club Championship a member must have entered as a Middleton
4. Management.
The Club shall elect a President who shall preside over Club affairs.
The President will be an ex-officio member of all Club Committees but
will have full voting rights at any of the meetings. At the Annual General
Meeting the President may chair the meeting or may delegate this function
to the elected Chairman. The Club shall elect annually the following Officers
of the Club - Chairman - Secretary - Treasurer and these officers shall be
be nominated signatories for the Club accounts.
The Club shall also elect annually a Committee comprising of not less than
twelve members. From the members of the Committee the following appointed posts shall have a captain and secretary. membership secretary, e mail secretary
social secretary, cross country captain, fell section, ladies cross country and road
captain,fixtures secretary, veterans captain, male and female walking section,
clothing officer and not mote than four other persons. Any person may hold more
than one position if the Annual General Meeting so decides. The Committee may
appoint persons to assist in the day to day running of the Club with responsibility
for the specific aspect of Club affairs. e.g. equipment Officer, trophy custodian.
Captains will have full responsibility for the entry of Club Teams. Selection to be
carried out by the captain and at least two other members approved by the
The structure of the Committee shall be as follows.
(a) A quorum of the Committee shall be four members.
(b) The Committee shall meet as often as necessary in the view of the President,
Chairman or Secretary and in any case not less than four times a year. The
Secretary or person nominated by the Secretary and agreed by the Committee
shall record minutes at such meetings. The records shall show persons present
at the meeting and the matters discussed and any decisions taken.
(c) The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy which may arise through
resignation or unexplained or persistent absence, and to make or revise any
rules as may be deemed expedient. The Committee shall have the power to form
a sub committee for special purposes which must conform to any regulations
imposed upon it by the Committee.
(d) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt for specific purposes up to three
or four members of the Club to serve on the Committee or Sub Committee.
(e) The Committee shall have the power to deal with as deemed advisable any
member of the Club found guilty of violating Club rules, or acting in a
manner which is not in the best interest of the Club.
(f) The property of the Club shall be considered vested in the Committee for the
current Club year.
(g) Any matter not covered by the Constitution or rules shall be dealt with by the
Committee who shall submit its recommendations at the next Annual General
Meeting so as to prevent a recurrence of a similar circumstances. If the matter is
such to affect the well being of the Club then an extra-ordinary meeting may be
called by the Committee.
(h) All Committee meetings shall be open meetings any Club member being able to
attend and speak on a motion.
(i) All complaints, requests or advice appertaining to the Club and all associated
activities should be made to any member of the Committee or the Club Captains
for consideration by the Committee at their earliest opportunity.
(a) Membership of the Club shall be open to anybody wishing to meet the
objects of the Club and agree to abide by the Constitution and Rules and
pay the necessary rate of subscription subject to the following.
(b) All active and competing athletes must at all times conform to the status
as Amateurs as defined under UKA laws.
(c) Non competing athletes may become Social members of the Club at a reduced
rate of subscription. Such members shall enjoy the rights of members
including social and Club circulations. Individual members shall have the
responsibility to make themselves aware of the Club Constitution and to
otherwise keep themselves informed through Club circulations of
the management of the Club.
(d)All applications for membership shall be made only on the printed form provided
for this purpose. The Membership Secretary shall have authority to accept
membership applications from any person who has not previously been a
member of any other athletic club. The Committee shall ratify such applications.
(e) Applications from persons who have been a member of another athletic club
should be voted upon by the Committee at the next meeting following the
application for membership being received. All applications made after
November 1st will not be liable to further subscription until the next AGM.
(f) Competition for Club Championship or other Club Challenge Trophies will be
open to first claim members.
A member intending to resign from the Club shall give notice in writing to the
Membership Secretary. This letter should also give the reason for the resignation.
The Committee at the first meeting after the letter has been received will consider
the contents of the letter. Should the member be financially indebted to the Club
the Committee may withhold the final acceptance of the resignation until such
time the member has discharged this liability.
The membership will cease from the date of the said meeting when the committee
have agreed to accept the resignation. The member will be notified of the
decision of the Committee in this respect. A member not having terminated their
membership in writing to be received prior to February 1st shall be liable for the
current financial years subscriptions. All property of the Club shall be
returned forthwith, at the time of resignation.
(a) Subscriptions shall be fixed prior to the Annual General Meeting by the
Committee for the following classes of members. Seniors an Social and Family
(b) All accounts of the Club shall be balanced at the 31 December and submitted
after an independent audit to the following Annual General Meeting.
(c) All withdrawals written against the funds of the Club shall be signed by two
members of the Committee from the following positions, Chairman, Secretary and
the Treasurer.
(d) Payment of the annual subscription and any arrears shall be made within three
months of the commencement of the financial year (January 1st)
Any member who is in arrears at the commencement of the Road Championships
shall not be eligible for a placing in any race in which they enter, so long as they
remain in arrears. This being the case they will not be eligible to receive Club
awards. Also members in arrears after a three month period will not receive
Club information via the E mail system.
(e) Voting at meetings and representing the Club in open competitions is
restricted to members whose subscriptions are up to date in accordance with
the Club rules.
The Committee shall have the power to expel any member whose
subscription is more than six months in arrears. Following a verbal warning a
written notice shall be sent to such a member by recorded post addressed to the
last known address informing the member of the proposed action of the
The name and address of any person so expelled from the Club shall be sent
to the North Of England AA who shall enter the name in their records. Every
person whose name is entered in the records shall be suspended from
competing in any event held under UKA laws until the liability causing the said
exclusion shall be discharged.
The Committee shall have the power to expel any member who violates the Club
rules, or who, in the opinion of the Committee is considered guilty of
misconduct , refractory or unbecoming conduct, making use of obscene
language or being antagonistic in any way against the best interests of the Club.
Or alternatively the member shall be dealt with in such other manner that the
Committee fell advised consistent with the violation committed. Any member of
the Club upon receipt of a notice to that effect, delivered by hand, or sent by
recorded delivery, to the last known address, may lodge an appeal against the
The Committee shall consider appeals against expulsion, or other action by the
Committee for offences outlined within 31 days of receipt of a written notice
of appeal. This notice of appeal shall be given to the Secretary within 14 days of
the the member receiving the letter form the Committee outlining the proposed
action of the Committee.
The Committee's decision on the appeal shall be final.
(a) An Annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as possible after the end of
the year and not more than fifteen months shall elapse between the date of one
AGM and the next. The AGM shall receive the Committees report and financial
statements, shall elect officers of the Club and general Committee members for
the following year. Also the AGM shall set the rate of subscription for the
following year and deal with any other matters specified in the agenda.
The Secretary must give every member one months notice of the meeting.
(b) A quorum for the AGM shall consist of fifteen members.
(c) Matters for the AGM agenda must be in writing and submitted to the Secretary
fourteen days before the date of the meeting.
(d) All positions on the Committee shall be subject to the election each year at
the AGM. Nominations for positions must be from fully paid up members as
at the 31 December of the previous financial year and must be seconded by
another member having the approval of the nominee. Such nominations must
be with the Secretary seven days prior to the date of the AGM in order that
members shall have sufficient notice of such nominations.
10. EXTRA Ordinary General Meeting (EGM)
(a) An EGM may be called at any time at the discretion of the Committee. The
Secretary must call an EGM to be held within twenty one days of the
receipt of a written request. This request must be signed by at least ten
members stating as a formal motion the business to be dealt with at the
meeting called. All members must receive written notice fourteen days prior to the holding of the EGM with details of the business to be discussed.
(b) A quorum for an EGM shall be thirty members.
(a) In the event of more than the required numbers of nominations duly proposed
and seconded for officers and committee members a method of voting will be
(b) Where a straight choice exists for any one position between two nominees
voting shall show be by a show of hands in the absence of the nominees.
(c) Where a multiple choice exists for any one position voting shall be by a show
of hands in the absence of the nominees and voting will continue until
one nominee acquires a majority over all the votes of the remaining
(d)Where a maximum number of committee places exceeds by the number of
nominations, voting shall be by ballot in which the nominees may participate.
Members shall record their choices for the nominees equivalent to the
the number of the available places. Successful nominees shall be those up
to the desired number acquiring the highest number of votes.
(e) Nominations for the official position or committee membership in a
members absence can only be accepted when the member concerned has
given their consent to the nomination going foreword. Such nominations
must be proposed and seconded in the normal manner. Alterations to the
Constitution must be dealt with at an AGM or EGM properly convened in
accordance with items 8 and 9.
(f) Voting on such alterations shall be by a show of hands. The proposition
duly proposed and seconded will be carried by two thirds majority of the
votes cast. Voting on all other propositions shall be by a show of hands
and shall be carried by a simple majority of the votes cast. The voting
procedure for such propositions shall apply at Committee Meetings
Annual General Meetings and Extra Ordinary Meetings.
(g) Voting will be accepted by proxy.
(a) A proposal that the Club is disbanded or that the Club amalgamate with
another athletic club must be dealt with at a special general meeting in
accordance with item 9.
(b) Voting on a proposal to disband or amalgamate shall be by a show of hands.
The proposal duly seconded will be carried by three quarters majority of the
votes cast. Proposal to amalgamate must be approved the executive
committee of UK Athletics, English Athletics and Association of Running
Clubs. A minority of members who consider themselves
strong enough to continue the affairs of the Club as a separate organisation
may apply to the three bodies named above for affiliation as a new body and
this application would be considered on its merits.
(c) Any remaining property or assets of the Club on being disbanded shall be
transferred to the accounts of the governing bodies to be used at their
(a) The property of the Club shall be vested in the Committee and trophies shall
the sole responsibility of the Secretary and whenever possible displayed in a
prominent but safe place.
(b) Only fully paid up members may compete for the Club at meetings and
promotions and when so doing must wear Club colours and abide by the
rules and regulations of the body governing such competitions.
(c) Proxy voting is permitted by written authorisation of the voter to another
member of the Club or to the Secretary.
(d) The responsibility for the health and safety of members, visitors and property
against injury damage or loss cannot be accepted by the Club. The onus for
such matters is on each individual person to provide adequate personal
insurance and gain private medical checks and advise at regular intervals.
The Club may only cover for general third party indemnity against Club
(e) The finances of the Club shall be the responsibility of the Committee
and shall at all times be transacted through the Club Treasurer. The Club
shall open a bank account and all the cheques to be signed by two officers
of the Committee from the following positions, the Chairman, the Secretary or
the Treasurer. The bank account shall include Building Society Accounts and
the like so that the Club may enjoy the benefits of interest on
deposit accounts.
(f) The Committee shall keep a minutes book to be held by the Secretary but
made available for inspection by any paid up member on request.
(g) In the event of dissolution of the Club any residual assets will be distributed
to such bodies as the Committee decide.
(h) Those races which are selected by the Committee for the Road Running
Championships shall comply with the rules of UK Athletics. Namely that
such races if advertised as being a particular distance then the correctness
of that distance must be verified by UKA registered and graded by a Course
Measurer. The course must be measured along the ideal line of running
i.e. the shortest possible route in the section of the road permitted for
runners. The measured distance must not be less than the advertised
distance nor should it exceed the advertised distance by more than 0.1%
If a race does not conform to these conditions then it shall not be
eligible to count in the Championships.